Sometime in the past, all current physical and biological sciences separated from philosophy; the same process of logical manner continues today, with the release of the new concepts and methods of applied philosophy. Taking into account the circumstance that philosophy in general and, several main branches of it, such as philosophy of mind and epistemology, in particular, are rooted in our consciousness, perception, thinking, and emotions, and therefore to a large extent also in the patterns of our nervous system and brain; it is only natural that these branches of neurophysiology could stay consequently more valuable, employing discoveries and ideas found in philosophy.

Such a judgment and understanding I obtain more than two decades of years working in a variety of neurophysiological and psychophysiological research laboratories, where efforts to reveal new opportunities for harmonization and self expression of human stemmed on physics, biology and psychology. Over time it became apparent for me that further efforts in this confined space exhausted its possibilities, and I obtained an instinctive feeling that there is a need for new impulses and ideas that may be obtained only from the outside, from the most common and fundamental knowledge, therefore, from philosophy.

Many people have a little idea of philosophy – and only as the boring and meaningless eloquent. In fact, the philosophy is such an extensive kingdom, that it contains a lot of things, including boredom, of course. But, at the same time, it was a haven for many world famous people and celebrities who faithfully lived deeply in philosophy, have found it a real basis for their life, found in it their only opportunity for self-expression, development, harmony and satisfaction of curiosity; found there calm, all their faith, all hope and love. I believe that only by designing and developing the ability to get insight into their inner world, can we hope to understand and feel their, at first, superficial sight dry, printed in the books philosophy.

And now I will introduce you to the basic principles of the method.

1) understand and experience means to become similar, but in order to become similar, it is necessary to understand and feel. Yes, yes, it is difficult to understand such an exquisite dialectic. And maybe it is better not going to try to understand the words, but in practice, slowly, gradually, step by step get into the interests, meanings, feelings and inner life of interesting us philosophers - these strange man, who seem so boring for strangers, but whose views still form the basis of all modern science, and, also, to a large extent of ethics and faith. We must not systematically learn the philosophy (this requires many years and let it remain the bread for the academic circle). We need not much and superficial, but little and very deep. We will mainly be interested in Descartes, Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Kant, Fichte, Husserl, partially also Leibniz, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Hegel, Newton, Einstein, Eddington, and others. Find out by means of deepening and getting insight - it is the first principle of my approach.

2) What concrete we must adopt (borrow) from the methods of classical philosophy? We must borrow idealism. Will not be surprised! Just this is the first thing to do, although it is horrendously difficult because to this resists many acquired in life habits and conditioned reflexes. At the same time, how weird would it not sounded, but the fact remains, that almost all philosophers of the past centuries, the names of which we have all heard, and who have created not only the building of philosophy, but also put the methodical basis for the development of modern science and technology, were idealists. We can't understand them, if we cannot obtain their principle of perception of reality, and hence, to see the world through the eyes of an idealist. To calm you I can now confirm, that you do not have to fear losing your usual sense of reality, according to which you almost live and act. Don't allow such a mistake, it's not true. You not only will lose something, no, on the contrary, you will gain one additional sense, a new possibility of perception and understanding of the world, life and yourselves. Path to the idealism will be very rational, practically it will not follow the famous psychological techniques, relaxation, meditations, prayers, and concentrations. This will be the way of science – classical philosophy and natural science (mostly neurophysiology). As very important it should be noted that the day-to-day mood and feeling of an idealist in itself is an achievement with not losing and multifaceted value. This state, even without all the following, about what I will say next, is very close to that which in religions is referred to as "inspired," only in our case, the person does not lose contact with reality, and fully remains in his mind, even more real, acute, willing and ready to understand and act mind. The achievement of such a state in itself automatically resolves many problems. For clarity, I warn you not to confuse this idealism with idealism as an ethical category, with which we are familiar in everyday life; here we are talking about idealism in the classical philosophical sense. So, the second paragraph of my technique is — become idealists, and not only in the thoughts, but in reality, and seriously.

3) In what way will philosophy and idealism allow us to manifest and harmonize ourselves, and in which way it will allow us to build better relationships with other people? As the first thing we must feel deeply and obtain in ourselves fully scientific understanding about main essence, and at the same time, the main advantage of idealism. To a large extent this means learning, work and exercise. We must to a large extent, very distinctly and clearly realize that our consciousness does not obtain rude, primary signals, affecting our sense receptors (eye, ear, etc.), but highly integrated information, which our sense analyzer systems prepare for us, and these systems, among other things, include also the highest areas of the cerebral cortex. This information, which perceives our consciousness, is created using a lot of our innate and acquired expertise. (This is the same, what Kant says, only nowadays it has obtained solid neurophysiological grounds). And only because these analyzers are the same for all people and also many animals, we all perceive the external world in the same way. However, in similar way we perceive only the rough basis of the world, of the matter. Thus, we understand, through what we are uniform with the outside world, with animals and with other people – it is through likeness. So if you want to learn and understand something about them, you have to become like, similar to them. We suddenly understand that exactly here lies the key and the path to unity, to better relations, to opportunity for spiritual growth. And only in the idealism we clearly recognize the principle of unity for all the reality that is in contact with us. And this single reality exists in one collective space, and another space does not exist, never has bean existed and never will exist. This is a very clear, specific and reliable feeling, and it by itself alone works very reassuringly. In this state, quite differently than in everyday life presents itself the theme of death, and it creates the opportunity to slowly and gradually get used to it, which also largely soothes and harmonizes. All this, taken together, gradually and definitely creates awareness of self, without which no serious self-expression, expression of our free will, which in our hands is the only real tool for harmonization, spiritual development and growth, is unthinkable. Understand and experience means to become similar - this is the basic principle that through idealism open for us a way for understanding of the world, and the optimal communication with it and its inhabitants, to our own growth, development and harmony - and this is the third paragraph of my method.

4) In which way philosophy and idealism will be able to satisfy our instinctive drive for curiosity and truth, as well as help us to get faith, hope and love? How, in concrete, we will act within the framework of our newly acquired idealism? Firstly, let us comprehend in our understanding the two, and only two main persons of our method: I myself, my will, on the one hand; and the rest reality, nature, events - as my destiny, on the other. How to proceed with these characters? First learn and define them by the experience of others (i.e., philosophers – for that we will need to know and learn to apply the philosophy and idealism as an exact science, mainly as Lock, Kant and Husserl), and then - deeply and truthfully - in the experience of real cooperation and cooperative play (with the mentioned above second person of this play). We must obtain and get used, make sure for yourself, that all available in our consciousness changing reality, which we do not identify as yourself, is this second person – your private destiny. Then you will become able to reveal, that this amazing view of reality, or fate, could be not only the object of cognition, which satisfies my instinct of curiosity and the search for truth, but also a partner who meets my need for communication; and, as the top of all — can also be the source and the object of faith, hope and love. I am changing myself all the time, as a result of this mutual game with my destiny, I have all opportunities to improve myself; and, the more I grow, the higher become real horizon and real level of my curiosity, my faith, my hope and my love. Consequently, the fourth paragraph of my technique is: to grow and fulfill myself at the expense of my own destiny, in such a way satisfying my innate need for knowledge, understanding, communication and cooperation; and thus breeding and powering my faith, hope and love.

5) In what manner philosophy and idealism can help us arrange the most of everyday things? This happens in two ways. The first is purely neurophysiological way — if the higher levels of regulation in your nervous system are well, then it purely automatically organize all the lower levels of regulation. Second, works the principle of faith, which, as we have seen above, in our methodology is playing a very significant role. We know the great power of faith, which can manifest itself in many daily activities, and solve all human problems that would otherwise seem utterly hopeless. We will not specially chase the luck and success in purely routine affairs, but if the fate of our own send such to us, then gratefully take them — this is the fifth paragraph of my methodology.

6) And, finally, what will we adopt from old and well known things of the neuro - and psychophysiology in our new method of applied philosophy? We will borrow a lot. First, as I already mentioned earlier — the foundations of the principle of hierarchy in the regulation of functions. If the highest levels of nervous regulation are in order, then subordinate lower levels of regulation and physiological functions will in great extent put themselves in good order automatically. We will take all the knowledge about the structure and function of nervous system and organism as whole. Otherwise, it is difficult for us to understand what resources and real opportunities we have. In such a way we can understand what mean different signals that brain and autonomic nervous system presents for us; can really assess stressful situations, can follow its dynamics; we can always follow up biofeedback signals (specific EEG, galvanic skin reactions (GSR), heart rate variability (HRV) recording devices and algorithms, EMG, and other). It will allow for us not only in fantasies, but in reality watch out for what we do and what is real result of our work. Therefore, generally we take the opportunity to understand and manage the principles of stress and biofeedback. This will allow us to achieve the potential for objective solving of many large and deep philosophical questions not only in theory, but also in everyday practice. In addition, a powerful tool in addressing many big issues is the ability to understand analogies with different nuances of the nervous system, which is impossible without a thorough knowledge of both philosophy and neurophysiology. Therefore, if possible, greater integration of philosophy with practical opportunities offered by neurophysiology, this is the sixth and final paragraph of my method.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is not obligatory to learn and to be able to reproduce the entire material, mentioned here. Here is offered a review on a new, multifunctional opportunities, which in principle may stay your own property, if you fulfill the first, absolutely obligatory principle, it is to become a real, live idealist, in sense mentioned here, i.e., idealist in philosophical understanding (subjective idealist like Berkeley and Hume, transcendental idealist like Kant, phenomenologist like Husserl, or absolute idealist like Fichte). After overcoming this barrier, which is actually a large, long and difficult way, each will obtain the ability to see and understand what exactly from all the material referred here is necessary to him in each particular life stage, and in each his life situation, and then work on that direction in particular. For the present moment, until this first stage is not realized inside yourself, all following description may seem difficult to understand, unusual or unbelievable, so there is no other way, then during this adaptation period accept all information, provided by mine with something like such as provisional (working, operational) faith. But it must not long remain so, as soon as it became possible, you will become able and must verify all this information on yourself, and only then finally accept it as your ripe, your mature persuasion and faith.